CREATIVE BRIEF: PETA is urging everyone to cast off the clothing industry’s desire for consumer complicity and to acknowledge all animals’ right not to be tormented or killed for clothing. This campaign must deliver the message that wearing animal by-products is unethical and unsustainable.
2023 Young Ones Student Competition PETA—‘End Speciesism’ and ‘Animals Used for Clothing’
"We ensure quality and luxury in our all-natural fibers.
Breathable, durable, and made to last a lifetime.
Our textiles are unique, each with different characteristics and textures that organically adjust to your body's shape.
We promise you 100%, human leather."
If the thought of wearing human skin is disturbing, why is it different for animals?
SOLUTION: The spot depicts a leather worker rolling, twisting, cutting, and playing with a sheet of leather. The audio lists the "living" characteristics that are associated with the material to entice the viewer to its qualities. This is to capture their attention before revealing the leather is human. The idea behind a mock leather production brand was for the audience to acknowledge their stigma towards an animal's life when comparing it to their own. After the viewer understands that the leather in this spot is "human skin", it will further repulse the consumer with every watch, and promote a moment of reflection on their buying habits.
This spot is intended for a YouTube advertisement. It will target audiences whose interests are categorized in fashion, influencers, lifestyle advice, and automobiles.
This spot is intended for a YouTube advertisement. It will target audiences whose interests are categorized in fashion, influencers, lifestyle advice, and automobiles.
SECONDARY EXECUTION (Integrated Campaign)
Consumers have been pre-exposed to the harm and slaughter of animals within the clothing industry through visuals and released information. They can become desensitized to the harm that is done behind the scenes and simply not care, since we are different species. However, many don't realize that humans and animals experience the same emotions: happiness, love, depression, and grief.
This campaign was a collaboration with my peer, Eden Kopytko.
OOH SOLUTION: Motion-activated, digital bus poster. (to reduce noise pollution)
Eden and I explored the idea of what grief sounds like to reinforce the fact that grief isn’t solely a human emotion. The audio is a real clip of a cow crying out for its calf, which was separated 1-3 days after birth.
Eden and I explored the idea of what grief sounds like to reinforce the fact that grief isn’t solely a human emotion. The audio is a real clip of a cow crying out for its calf, which was separated 1-3 days after birth.
DIGITAL SOLUTION: Paid Instagram advertisement.
Eden and I used the five stages of grief as our foundation. As humans go through five stages, animals go through six, with the last stage being processing. We created a strong visual to make the connection between grief across species using sheep, due to their expressive nature. By introducing the sixth stage, we are showing how humans wear animals' grief through clothing made with their by-products.